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Sunday, January 17, 2021

What is the structure of (O2F2) oxygen fluoride

The compound id produced as result of glow dischage through amixture of O2 and F2 at -180 to -190 degree (c). As should be expected. O2F2 is an extremely reactive fluorinating agent. Under the conditions that produce OF2, small and O4F2 are produced, but these unstable compounds decomposed at liquid nitrogen temperatures.

Why Bond length of O-O is greater in H2O2 than O2F2?

Electronegativity of F is much more than hydrogen and also hybridization of oxygen atoms in of H2O2 and O2F2 both have (sp3) same and hence we can apply bent’s rule.

According bent’s rule more eletronegative atoms reduce % s-character (or increases % p-character vice versa) of those hybride orbital in which they attach. So in case of O2F2 % s-character of those hybride orbital decrease which have  flourine while % p-character increases in same way % s-character of  remaing hybride orbital inceases and p-character decreases hence its bond length also (bond length is directly proportional to % p-character) decreases.  hence O-O bond length in O2F2 is shorter thane H2O2.

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