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Monday, April 13, 2020

Why Li forms only oxides and not stable peroxide or superoxides ?

Lithium forms only oxides and not stable peroxide or superoxides, due to small size of Lithium, it has a strong positive field around it. On combination with the oxide anion (O-2), the positive field of lithium ion restricts the spread of negative charge towards another oxygen atom and thus prevents the formation of higher oxide.

What makes sodium highly reactive?

Low ionization enthalpy, strongly electropositive nature, tendency to attain noble gas configuration by the loss of one valence electron makes sodium highly reactive.

Which is softer – Na or K and why?

Potassium is softer than sodium due to weak metallic bonding because of the large size of K atoms. 

Name the metal which floats on water without any apparent reaction with it.


Why is lithium the strongest reducing agent in the periodic table?

The Eo value (reduction potential) depends on the three factors i.e. sublimation, ionization and hydration enthalpies. With the small size of its ion lithium has the lightest hydration enthalpy which accounts for its high negative Eo value and its reducing power