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Sunday, August 27, 2023
Connected Containers: Problems:
Saturday, August 26, 2023
Two vessels A and B with rigid walls containing ideal gases. The pressure, temperature and the volume are P_A, T_A and V in the vessel A and P_B , T_B and V in vessel B . the vessels are now connected through a small tube. P/T value is equal to.
Friday, August 25, 2023
Payload is defined as the difference between the mass of the displaced air and the mass of the balloon. Calculate the payload when a balloon of radius 10 m, mass 100 kg is filled with helium at 1.66 bar at 27°C. (Density of air = 1.2 kgm-3 and R = 0.083 bar dm3 K-1 mol-1)
Saturday, July 1, 2023
One mole of a gas is expanded from (2 L, 20 atm,300K) to (5 L, 10 atm,320K) against a constant external pressure of 5 atm. The heat capacity of gas is 100 J/K.Then the enthalpy change during the process is (1 L atm ≃ 100 J)
A certain mass of gas is expanded from (1L,10 atm) to (4L,5 atm) against a constant external pressure of 1 atm. If the initial temperature of the gas is 300 K and the heat capacity of the process is 50 J/∘C. Then the enthalpy change during the process is: (1L atm≃100 J).
Friday, June 30, 2023
Sunday, May 28, 2023
A 10 liter container consist of 1 mole of gas at 300 K. It is connected to another container having volume 40 liter and is initially at 300 K. The nozzle connecting two containers is opened for a long time and once the movement of gas stopped, the larger container was heated to a temperature of 600 K. Calculate
(A) Moles and pressure of gas in both the containers before heating.
(B) Moles and pressure in two containers after heating. Assume that initially the larger container is completely evacuated.
Thursday, May 25, 2023
Find out the ratio of the moles of hydrogen and carbon dioxide obtained after 6 successive effusion step initially present in 1:1 molar ratio
Wednesday, October 5, 2022
An air bubble starts rising from the bottom of lake, it diameter is 3.6 mm at bottom and 4 mm at the surface. The depth of lake is 250 cm and temperature at surface is 40℃ . What is the temperature at the bottom of lake? (Given atmospheric pressure = 76 cm of Hg and g= 980 cm sec-1 neglect surface tension effect).
A bubble of gas released at bottom. of the lake increase to four time its original volume when it reach the surface. assuming that atmosphere ic pressure is equivalent to the exerted by a column of water 10 m height. What is the depth of the lake.
Radius of bubble X-1 is 0.32 cm and X-2 is 0.48 cm. What is the temperature of of pond at the position of bubble X-2. If presure of the Bottom of the pond is 2.8 atm and at the top is 1 atm.
How to calculate Payload of a Balloon?
Air Bubbles in water, or lake temperature, lake depth, related Questions.
Sunday, September 18, 2022
Saturday, December 18, 2021
The diameters of a buble at the surface of a lake is 4 mm and at the bottom of the lake is 1 mm. If atmospheric pressure is 1 atm and the temperature of the lake-water and the atmosphere are equal what is the depth of the lake ? (The density of lake-water and Hg are 1 gm/ml and 13.6 respectively. Also neglect the contribution of pressure due to surface tension)
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(1) Liquid ammonia bottle is cooled before opening the seal. Explain.
(4) Out of dry air and wet air, which is heavier?
(5) Can we apply Dalton’s law of partial pressure to a mixture of carbon monoxide and oxygen?
(6) Why a bottle of liquid ammonia is cooled before opening the seal?
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(9) Why falling liquid drops are spherical?
(10) Why diethyl ether has higher vapour pressure than ethyl alcohol at a particular temperature?
(11) Why liquid have a definite volume but no definite shape?
(12)What are the difference between Diffusion and Effusion ?
(12) What is payload of Balloon ?
(13)What is Aqueous tension ?
(14) What is Vander waals equation of state of a real gas ?
(15) What is Boyle's temperature ? and what is relation of Boyle's temperature with Vander waal's constant?
Tuesday, October 19, 2021
Equal moles of hydrogen and oxygen gases are placed in a container with a pin-hole through which both can escape. What fraction of the oxygen escapes in the time required for one- half of the hydrogen to escape.
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(1) Two closed bulbs of equal volume (V) containing an ideal gas initially at pressure Pi and temperature Ti are connected through a narrow tube of negligible volume as shown in the figure below. The pressure of one of the bulb is raised to T2. The final pressure is: (JEE Mains-2016)
Monday, December 7, 2020
The stop-cock connecting the two bulbs of 5dm3 and 10dm3 contains an ideal gas at 10 bar and 10 bar respectively is opened. Thus final pressure if two bulbs opened at the same temperature is
At constant temperature
5x10 +10x5 =
100/15 =6.67 bar.
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Two closed bulbs of equal volume (V) containing an ideal gas initially at pressure Pi and temperature Ti are connected through a narrow tube of negligible volume as shown in the figure below. The pressure of one of the bulb is raised to T2. The final pressure is: (JEE Mains-2016)
Two closed bulbs of equal volume (V) containing an ideal gas initially at pressure Pi and temperature Ti are connected through a narrow tube of negligible volume as shown in the figure below. The pressure of one of the bulb is raised to T2. The final pressure is: (JEE Mains-2016)
Initially both
bulbs are under similar condition hence number of moles of gas in each
When temperature of one of the bulb is increases from T1 toT2 then final pressure Pf and number of moles.
A closed tank has two compartments A and B, both filled with oxygen (assumed to be ideal gas). The partition separating the two compartments is fixed and is a perfect heat insulator (Figure 1). If the old partition is replaced by a new partition which can slide and conduct heat but does not allow the gas to leak across (Figure 2), the volume (in m3) of the compartment A after the system attains equilibrium is--- (IIT-Ad-2018)
Total volume
of compartment A and B
VA+VB = 4m3…………………………………….................................(1)
According to
question partition do not allow gas leak between compartment (A) and
compartment (B) so number of moles after and before inserting new partition
which can slide.
So number of
moles in compartment (A) and compartment (B)
bar/400 K ……………………………………… (2)
bar/300 K ………………………………………. (3)
Equation (2)/
Get VA/VB=5/4 Or VA=5VB/4
Put the
value of VA from equation
(4) to in equation (1) and find the value of VA after placing frictionless slider.
+VB = 4m3
=> VB = 16/9m3 and VA = 20/9m3 =2.22
m3 or L
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The rms speed of an ideal gas at 27°C is 0.3 ms–1 . Its rms speed at 927°C (in ms–1) is
The density of methane at 2.0 atmosphere pressure and 27°C is