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Saturday, January 2, 2021

Why aqueous solution of AlCl3 is acidic in nature ?

Aluminium forms covalent compound with chloride because lionization enthalpy (∆iH= +5137 kJ/mole) of Aluminium is very high due to small size and chlorine is unable to convert  Al into Al+3 ions. 

However, when anhydrous AlCl3 (which is covalent in character) is dissolved in water, it undergoes hydration as follow:  

AI2CI6 + H2O -->2[Al(H2O)6]+3 +(∆H)  

Hydration of anhydrous Aluminium chloride is highly exothermic in nature. The hydration enthalpy is more than ionisation enthalpy of aluminium.This hydration enthalpy removes all the three valence electrons of the aluminium leading to the formation of Al3+ more easly.This AI3+ is hydrated with water and form a complex ion. Thus in water Al exist as [Al(H2O)6]+3. so aqueous AlCl3 form Hexahydrated complex salt.

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